The Actions of the Votary of the Lotus Sutra

Now at the beginning of the Latter Day of the Law, I, Nichiren, am the first to embark on propagating, throughout Jambudvipa (1), the five characters of Myoho-renge-kyo, which are the heart of the Lotus Sutra and the eye of all Buddhas (2). During the 2,200 or more years since the Buddha’s passing (3), not even Mahakashyapa, Ananda (4), Ashvaghosha, Nagarjuna (5), Nan-yueh, T’ien-t’ai (6), Miao-lo or Dengyo (7) has propagated them. My disciples, form your ranks and follow me, and surpass even Mahakashyapa or Ananda, T’ien-t’ai or Dengyo!

(Passage from “The Actions of the Votary of the Lotus Sutra”, The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, p763-782)

This letter was written in 1276 and addressed to lay nun Konichi, a wido who lived in Awa, the Daishonin’s native province. Lay nun was also known as Sage Konichi. Her son, Yashiro, had earlier converted to Daishonin’s teachings, and through him she and her husband became Daishonin’s disciples.

Some time after her conversion, she lost both her beloved son and husband. But through the Daishonin’s continuous and wholehearted encouragement, she overcame her deep sorrow and remained a sincere believer in the Daishonin’s Buddhism to the end of her life.

This Gosho, The Actions of the Votary of the Lotus Sutra, is an autobiographical account covering the events of an important period in Nichiren Daishonin’s life – from the arrival of the delegate from the Mongol empire in 1268 shortly before the Tatsunokuchi Persecution, through his two-and-a-half year exile on Sado Island, to his eventual retirement to Mount Minobu. In this Gosho, the Daishonin penned his struggles and persecutions over this period of nine years in great detail.

In this passage, Nichiren Daishonin expressed that the teaching to be spread throughout the entire world (Jambudvipa) in the Latter Day of the Law is Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, the heart of the Lotus Sutra. The Daishonin revealed that this Mystic Law is a great teaching which has never been propagated before – not even by the great teachers of the Former and Middle Days of the Law.

Mahakashayapa and Ananda were direct disciples of Shakyamuni Buddha. They were considered the Buddhist teachers who had correctly propagated Hinayana teachings for the first 500 years of the Former Day of the Law. Ashvaghosha and Nagarjuna were active as teachers who spread the teachings of Mahayana Buddhism in the second half of the Former Day of the Law in India.

Nan-yueh, T’ien-t’ai, Miao-lo and Dengyo were Buddhist teachers who appeared in China and Japan in the Middle Day of the Law and propagated the theoretical teachings of the Lotus Sutra. All these individuals propagated the appropriate teaching in accord with the age and time in which they appeared but did not spread Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, the essential teaching hidden in the depths of the Lotus Sutra.

Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is the fundamental or original source of Buddhahood that has led and leads all Buddhas to enlightenment. For this reason, the Daishonin referred to Nam-myoho-renge-kyo as the “eyes of all Buddhas”. He also called it the “heart of the Lotus Sutra” because its teaching is found in the depths of the Lotus Sutra.

It was Nichiren Daishonin who first spread the fundamental teaching of the Mystic Law in the Latter Day of the Law, which the Buddhist teachers of the Former and Middle Days did not propagate. For this reason, the Daishonin is revered as the original Buddha of the Latter Day of the Law.

The Daishonin opened the way for kosen-rufu in the current age of the Latter Day while enduring life-threatening persecutions. Based on the Buddhist principle of “oneness of mentor and disciple”, we must strive to develop and maintain this direct connection with Nichiren Daishonin and practice faith in exact accordance with the Daishonin’s teachings throughout our lives.

The Daishonin called to us in this passage, “My disciples, form your ranks and follow me.”

The Daishonin is teaching us that the quintessence of faith is to advance on the path of kosen-rufu opened by him in the same mind and spirit as his.

The SGI has all along maintained faith that is directly connected to the Daishonin and advanced the movement of worldwide kosen-rufu in accord with the Daishonin’s decree. This basis of the SGI movement is the greatest proof of the validity of the organisation.

While exerting ourselves in our practice of faith on the stage of kosen-rufu, let us also strive to foster new capable leaders who can join us in “forming our ranks” in following the footsteps of the Daishonin. Based on the spirit of harmonious unity, let us together strive to open a new age for worldwide kosen-rufu.

1. Jambudvipa – In today’s context, it refers to the entire world.

2. The eye of all Buddhas – The essential teaching that led all Buddhas in the 10 directions and three existences to enlightenment.

3. During the 2,200 or more years since the Buddha’s passing – According to theories prevalent during the Daishonin’s time, the passing of Shakyamuni was believed to be in 949BC. Based on this theory, the year 1276 when this letter was written corresponds to the 2,225th year.

4. Mahakashyapa and Ananda – Two major disciples of Shakyamuni Buddha who correctly taught Hinayana Buddhism in the first half of the Former Day of the Law.

5. Ashvaghosha and Nagarjuna – Buddhist scholars of the Mahayana school in the second half of the Former Day of the Law.

6. Nan-yueh and T’ien-t’ai – Buddhist teachers in the first half of the Middle Day of the Law who correctly expounded Buddhism based on the teachings of the Lotus Sutra.

7. Miao-lo and Dengyo – Buddhist teachers in the second half of the Middle Day of the Law who correctly spread the teachings of Nan-yueh and T’ien-t’ai.