Regarding an Unlined Robe - Blaze with the Passionate Vow for Kosen-Rufu

When I don this robe, take my place before the Buddha, and recite the Lotus Sutra, then all the 69,384 characters that make up the sacred text, each individual character one by one, becomes a golden Buddha. Though the robe is only one, it clothes each and every one of the 69,384 Buddhas. And because this is so, the husband and wife who presented me with this robe will be visited by all these Buddhas, who will regard the couple as their supporters and watch over and protect them. For this husband and wife in their present existence they will be a prayer, a treasure, and when the husband and wife are on the point of death, they will be a moon, a sun, a path, a bridge, a father, a mother, an ox or a horse, a palanquin, a carriage, a lotus, a mountain, coming to greet and convey them the pure land of Eagle Peak.

(The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin Vol 2, p600)

This letter was written in the eighth month of 1275, a little more than one year after Nichiren Daishonin went to live in Mount Minobu. He had received a gift of an unlined robe (a light, warm-weather garment) from a married couple and this letter was written to thank them for their sincere gift.

Their names are not known but recent studies suggest they were related to the Nanjo family. Although they have never met the Daishonin, the couple delivered a summer garment as an offering to the Daishonin out of their sincere faith.

Living conditions in Mount Minobu was rather harsh where there was insufficient food and clothing. Having spent two years in exile on the desolate island of Sado, the Daishonin’s physical condition had deteriorated tremendously.

Hence, living amidst the unfavourable conditions in Minobu was particularly harsh on the Daishonin’s health. Perhaps due to such circumstances, the Daishonin was deeply touched by the couple’s sincere gift and expressed his tremendous joy in receiving it.


The heart is indeed mysteriously and inscrutable. The boundless innate potential inherent in one’s heart is unfathomable.

Whether one leads a life of happiness or unhappiness depends on whether the positive or negative potential is unleashed. This is why Nichiren Daishonin said in another writing, “It is the heart that is important.” (WND-1, p1,000) And it it is Buddhism that elucidates the inscrutable workings of the heart.

Nichiren Daishonin is the votary of the Lotus Sutra who read the Lotus Sutra with his life by prevailing over one great adversity after another. The heart of the Daishonin dynamically pulsates with the Mystic Law, the fundamental wellspring from which all Buddhas arises.

The great vow to lead all people who are suffering in the Latter Day shone with brilliance in his heart.

As long as we infuse our hearts with this heart of the Daishonin, the immense power of the Mystic Law will surely well forth from the depths of our being.

In this writing, the Daishonin praised the couple’s sincere faith expressed in their gift of an unlined robe and affirmed that offerings made to the votary of the Lotus Sutra is equivalent to making offerings to the Lotus Sutra.

The Daishonin used an interesting analogy to further explain this principle. The Daishonin stated that their offering to the Lotus Sutra was equivalent to making an offering to 69,384 (number of characters in the Lotus Sutra) Buddhas.

This is because all the Buddhas attained enlightenment through the Lotus Sutra (Nam-myoho-renge-kyo). The Daishonin’s analogy of 69,384 Buddhas is meant to convey the meaning of many or countless Buddhas.

Consequently, the Daishonin stated that all 69,384 Buddhas would visit the husband and wife, watch over and render utmost protection to the couple not only in their present existence but in all existences, and ensure that they eternally advance along the great path of good fortune and benefit throughout the three existences.

Making an offering to the votary of the Lotus Sutra is a manifestation of one’s sincere faith based on the great vow to live out one’s life for the realization of kosen-rufu in the same mind as one’s mentor.
This is precisely why the infinite power of the Mystic Law will well forth from the depths of one’s life, filling one’s life with boundless good fortune as a result.

In terms of our modern world today, only the SGI is fulfilling the mission of the votary of the Lotus Sutra and advancing in the same heart as the three presidents of Soka Gakkai.

SGI President Ikeda said, “All of us, SGI members are striving for the realization of worldwide kosen-rufu. We are great warriors of the Mystic Law who live out our lives in the SGI, the organization that accord with the Buddha’s decree. Please be convinced that in the light of the Gosho, the benefit that one accrues from living one’s life for this lofty cause is boundless and unfathomable. This great light of benefit will illuminates our lives like the moon and the sun not only in this existence but also in the next existence and beyond eternally. There is no life and death that is more fulfilling and assuring as this.”

Lets ablaze our hearts with the great vow dedicated to the realization of kosen-rufu as we continue to score victories in our life.

1. In praising the couple’s offering of an unlined robe, the Daishonin explained that their sincere offering to the votary of the Lotus Sutra is equivalent to making offering to 69,384 (the number of characters in the Lotus Sutra) Buddhas. This is because all the Buddhas attained enlightenment through the Lotus Sutra (Nam-myoho-renge-kyo). The Daishonin’s analogy of 69,384 Buddhas is meant to convey the meaning of many or countless Buddhas.

2. The Daishonin explained that great good fortune that accrues from such sincere offering by stating that all 69,384 (or countless) Buddhas will watch over the couple and render utmost protection to them in all existences, and ensure that they eternally advance along the great path of happiness throughout the three existences.

3. When making offering, it is the heart or spirit that is the most important. The act of offering should be a manifestation of one’s sincere faith based on the great vow to live out one’s life for the realization of kosen-rufu in the same mind as one’s mentor. When one makes offering based on such a spirit, the infinite power of the Mystic Law will definitely well forth from the depths of one’s life, filling one’s life with boundless good fortune.

Translated and adapted from the November 2009 issue of The Daibyakurenge, the Soka Gakkai’s monthly study journal.